• Australia's oldest Mac & iOS developer conference


    Visit DW2015!


27 sessions. 3 keynotes. 2 workshops. 1 quiz night.

- September 2014, Melbourne

/dev/world/2014 aims to cover a wide range of topics including the iOS SDK, OS X frameworks, Apple and third-party development tools, and open source software. The conference also provides developers with an opportunity to meet and network with others working in the same space. This will be the seventh /dev/world!

Keep up to date with us on Lanyrd and Twitter!

Buy Tickets


Explore and learn cutting-edge development tools and techniques with some of the best iOS and Mac developers in the world.


Expand your reach by showing off your projects, and partying with the Australian developer community.


Come away reinvigorated to build the best apps and software in Australia.

... until /dev/world/2014

Buy Tickets


  • Q&A and Discussion

    Marc Edwards


    Marc Edwards

    Marc is the founder and designer at Bjango, makers of iStat Menus, Skala and other great Mac, iPad and iPhone apps.

    Marc also frequently writes design articles on Bjango’s website and has written for Smashing Magazine, including a chapter in Smashing Book 3.

    He co-hosts Iterate, the mobile design podcast and occasionally talks at conferences (like this one!)

    Marc will join us for a Q&A and Discussion session on his approach to software design for Apple platforms.

  • Keynote

    Tom Greenaway


    Tom Greenaway

    Tom is a co-founder and director of Melbourne-based game developer Kumobius.

    His games have sold over a million copies worldwide and reached the top 10 charts in over a dozen countries across the App Store.

    Tom's responsibilities spread across a wide range of disciplines include managing the business, game prototyping, tools development, marketing games and coordinating the production process.

    Tom will deliver a keynote presentation on his work in the world of independent game development.

  • Pre-dinner Presentation

    Paul Fenwick

    Perl Training Australia

    Paul Fenwick – photo CC-BY Joshua Button (greenman.smugmug.com)

    Paul Fenwick is an internationally acclaimed public speaker, developer, and science educator. Paul is well known for presenting on a diverse range of topics including privacy, neuroscience and neuroethics, Klingon programming, open source, depression and mental health, advancements in science, diversity, autonomous agents, and minesweeper automation. His dynamic presentation style and quirky humour has delighted audiences worldwide.

    Paul was awarded the 2013 O'Reilly Open Source award, and the 2010 White Camel award, both for outstanding contributions to the open source community.


Learn From These Great Folks



A full programme of events, including workshops (part of your registration, but subject to class size limits), lunch, a keynote from Tom Greenaway of Kumobius, and a full afternoon of sessions. The first day concludes with a pre-dinner keynote from the amazing Paul Fenwick, and our famous dinner and quiz.

Pre-conference Workshops

Introduction to Xcode and developing iOS apps
Zac Fitz-Walter and Jimmy Ti (Queensland University of Technology)

Swift, Swiftly
Jon Manning (Secret Lab)

Morning Tea

Pre-conference Workshops Continued


Conference Opening

Tom Greenaway Feature

The Design and Engineering Process for an Indie iOS Game
Paris Buttfield-Addison and Jon Manning (Secret Lab)

Quick and Dirty – Prototyping with PhoneGap
Tim Raphael (University of Western Australia)

Introduction to Arduino and HomeKit
Matt Gray (Australian National University)

Afternoon Tea

A New View on Debugging for Novice Programmers
Matthew Heinsen Egan and Chris McDonald (University of Western Australia)

Virtual Reality on a Budget
Steven Saunders (Macquarie University)

Tools and Tips for Prototyping Apps
Judit Klein (Auckland University of Technology)

Tools, Tips and Tricks to Speed Up Your Development
Dan Nolan (Proxima Pty Ltd)

The Pacifist's Guide to Android
Christopher Neugebauer

Jimmy Ti (Queensland University of Technology)

App Store Experiment To 2 Million Downloads
Stuart Hall (Bytesize)

Performance as UX
Justin Howlett (Fairfax Media)



Paul Fenwick Dinner Keynote

Dinner and Quiz


Kicking off with Marc Edwards of Bjango, the second and final day brings more fantastic sessions, and has a few surprises lined up...

Marc Edwards Feature

Morning Tea

The App Store Doesn’t Owe You Anything
Peter Wells (Reckoner)

You had me at Install
Luke Goodman (Bilue)

Methods for Managing Myriad Modes: Multipeer Connectivity
Tim Nugent (University of Tasmania)

Pay No Attention to the Man Behind the Curtain
Josh Deprez (Google)

Mobile Onboarding, Would You Like Some Help?
Nic Wittison (Canva)

Making Devices Talk with Peer to Peer Networking
Judit Klein (Auckland University of Technology)

Lunch and Lightning Talks

Honey I Shrunk My App! – Mobile Second Done Right
Adam Debono (AffinityLive)

The Forgotten Art of Core Animation
Benjamin Taylor (Shiny Things)

Tinkering with Object…what? Swift?
Matthew D'Orazio

Mobile and Accessibility
Gian Wild (AccessibilityOz)

The Quest for 60FPS: Graphics Optimisation on iOS
Tim Oliver (Lateral Pty Ltd)

Improve your apps with the power of SCIENCE!
James White (Curtin University of Technology)

Afternoon Tea

Mastering Auto Layout
Adam Shaw (Kabuki Vision)

Making a Joint with SpriteKit
Richard Deveraux (Charles Darwin University)

iOS High School
Melanie Tarr (ECU) and David McMeekin (Curtin University)

Conference Closing


RMIT Design Hub

Located in the RMIT City precinct, near the corner of Swanston and Victoria streets.

The RMIT Design Hub is a purpose-built event space that recently won the Green Good Design Award from the European Centre for Architecture Design and Urban Studies and Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture.

Hotels Nearby

Rydges on Swanston

701 Swaston St, Melbourne, Victoria 3000
Phone: (03) 9347 7811

Arrow on Swanston

488 Swanston Street, Carlton, Victoria 3053
Phone: (03) 9225 9000

Tune Hotel

609 Swaston St, Carlton, Victoria 3053
Phone: (03) 9347 3027



/dev/world is Australia's oldest Mac and iOS developer conference.

/dev/world/2014 runs over two days on September 29 and 30 in Melbourne.

All /dev/world/2014 tickets include:

  • /dev/world/2014 attendance (September 29/30, 2014)
  • free workshop attendance on Monday morning (enrolment limits apply)
  • conference dinner and quiz on Monday
  • lunch and afternoon tea on Monday, September 29, and morning tea, lunch, and afternoon tea on Tuesday 30 September

Early Bird



Full Price

Available until September 24 (10PM)



Available until September 24 (10PM)


Early Bird/Full Price

This is the standard conference rate. This rate applies to most people who have their employers pay the conference fees and charge it as a professional development expense, or for individuals who can legitimately claim it as a tax deduction.


This concession rate is reserved for College (TAFE, Polytechnic, Senior Secondary, etc) or University Students. /dev/world offers this rate as a form of investment in the future of the community. As part of the registration process, a valid student ID card or proof of enrolment must be presented to the onsite registration desk.

AUC Members

AUC membership provides discounts. To learn more about AUC membership, visit the AUC website.